Search Syntax

Example Description
mobile Searches for inflectional forms of the word mobile.
mobile text
mobile AND text
Searches for content containing inflectional forms of the words mobile and text. The keyword AND is optional.
mobile OR text Searches for content containing inflectional forms of the words mobile or text.
"mobile text" Performs a phrase search for the phrase "mobile text".
mobile -text Searches for content containing inflectional forms of the word mobile but not the word text.
+mobile Searches for the word mobile without generating inflectional forms.
~mobile Searches for thesaurus forms of the word mobile.
mob* Searches for words that begin with the prefix mob.
<mobile text> Searches for content that contains the word mobile in close proximity to the word text.


  • The AND operator takes precedence over the OR operator in queries. You can change the operator precedence by using parentheses. For example, consider the following query:
    mobile text OR fixed
    This query is equivalent to:
    (mobile AND text) OR fixed
    You can change the order with parentheses so that the OR operator is evalued first, like this:
    mobile (text OR fixed)
  • You can use the & symbol for the AND operator and the | symbol for the OR operator

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